British Association of Spinal Cord Injury Specialists

The British Association of Spinal Cord Injury Specialists

BASCIS is an association mainly of clinicians who are dedicated to the holistic management of patients with a spinal cord injury. BASCIS works to improve the quality of care for Spinal Cord Injury patients and the training of doctors in the specialty. Survival of individuals with spinal cord injury has progressively improved as a result of advances in the acute and long term management of such patients with paralysis. Similar improvements in the care of patients with polytrauma have resulted in the survival of paralysed patients with multiple other injuries and diseases.

Specialist Centres dealing exclusively with patients with spinal cord injury have been aware for some time that in certain instances the application of simple and basic techniques in the management of paralysed patients would substantially improve the quality of care received by the paralysed during their initial management at the referring hospital prior to transfer to the Specialist Centre. The British Association of Spinal Cord Injury Specialists believes that failure to prevent avoidable complications in patients with spinal cord injury is the cause of increased morbidity and a significant increase in the total time spent in hospital. BASCIS strives to improve the quality of care provided to such individual at various stages of their management nationally.
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